PIN: 531024

Officer Name. Shri. G.V Chitti Raju


Under the APREGS, the MPDO is the Executing Officer of the Scheme at the Mandal level.  The MPDOs are fully responsible for the implementation of the Scheme – from preparation of plans to completion of works, ensuring timely   payments and maintenance of records, registers and documents pertaining to APREGS.

 Preparation of EGS plans and keeping ready shelf of works.

The MPDOs shall be directly responsible for Preparation of EGS Plans based on the Labour Budget and List of Works identified by the Programme Officer, in consultation with the GP.
The plan shall also include the Mandal component and shall be approved technically by the AEs / DEs.   The Mandal level EGS plan, duly approved by the Mandal Parishad, shall be kept ready by the MPDO by February every year.

5.3  Generate Payment orders and ensure Weekly  Payment to Wageseekers

The MPDOs shall be directly responsible to make payment to Wageseekers within one week from the last date of the muster roll. The MPDOs shall be responsible for all delays in payments and Compensation that become payable for Delayed Payments due to operational delays in processing muster rolls, measurement books, generation of  payment orders, signing of cheques and dispatch to  paying agencies.

The MPDOs shall generate a Delayed Payment Report on a weekly basis, review the same in weekly meetings to minimize delays.   A report on action taken in this regard shall be prepared and submitted to the District Collector/District Programme Coordinator in the Monthly Review Meetings.

5.4 Quality Assurance:

The MPDOs are directly responsible for ensuring that the works undertaken under APREGS create sustainable and durable assets for the community.  To achieve this, the MPDOs shall draw upon the services of TAs, Mandal Engineers to oversee quality of works and to satisfy and ensure himself about the achievement of the quality.

5.5  Work Completion Report

The MPDOs are directly responsible for preparing Work Completion Report, on Completion of each Work.   MPDOs shall sign such Work Completion Reports and see that they are duly filed along with the specific work related documents.

5.6  Maintain Sufficient Balance in the APREGS Bank Account

The MPDOs shall ensure that the funds balance in the EGS account does not fall below 30%, at all times.  The MPDOs shall review the fund balance on a day to day basis and take necessary action  to obtain additional funds as soon as the balance in the bank account comes down  to 30% of the original balance.                  
5.7 Maintain  Sufficient Advances with Programme Officers

The MPDOs shall take care to ensure that the cash advances require to be maintained by the POs are duly replenished as per requests and in accordance with the orders issued in this regard.  The MPDOs shall ensure that all cash advance requests made by the POs are met within three days of receipt of such request.

5.8 Certification of Monthly Financial Reports & Utilization Certificates as required for  Audit

The MPDOs shall generate monthly Financial Reports (MFRs) and certify the same on a monthly basis.  The MPDOs shall also ensure that the MFRs are properly filed alongwith the accounting vouchers/ documents in box files.   A copy of MFR of the previous month and current month shall be carried by the MPDOs for review in the monthly meetings. The MPDOs shall also assist the Auditors in the conduct of Audit and for due submission of Utilization Certificates, as required.

5.9 Conduct Weekly  Meetings

With the support of PO The MPDOs shall conduct weekly meetings without fail with FAs, TAs, and the Mandal Engineers as well as Post Office functionaries A list of issues discussed, resolved and pending shall be discussed with the District Collector/Additional District Programme Coordinator and Project Director-DWMA in the Monthly Review Meeting.

5.10 Maintenance of all APREGS records including Accounting Records

The MPDOs are directly responsible for maintenance of all the records as specified in APREGS Manual and in the APREGS Accounting Hand Book.  The MPDOs shall ensure proper custody, maintenance, filing and upkeep of the records in a clear and easily traceable manner.  The MPDOs shall also ensure that all the manual book of records that are required to be maintained by the MCC are duly maintained and signed regularly, as prescribed in the Accounting Hand Book.

5.11 Maintenance of Mandal Computer Centers:

The MPDOs are required to ensure that the Mandal Computer Centre is provided with all the required infrastructure and prompt action is taken to see that the work at MCC does not suffer due to delays in procurement, maintenance of infrastructure. The MPDOs shall also ensure that all the Bank Pass Books are kept with MCC operators and no cheque payments are made except through the software.

5.12  Utilization of APREGS Software

It shall be the direct responsibility of MPDOs to ensure that all the APREGS transactions are undertaken only through the software.  There shall be no entries or issue of cheques, outside of the software system.  The MPDOs shall also ensure that there are no Self cheques are drawn and no Bearer cheques issued to third party vendors.  Any cash transaction shall be only through advances to permanent employees/POs. All such transactions shall be entered in software and settlement monitored on a monthly basis.  Any deviation in this regard will be viewed seriously and action taken.


The primary role of the PO as envisaged in the NRGEA Act, is to ensure due protection of the Rights and Entitlements given to the Wageseeker under the Act. More specifically, the PO shall ensure that the demand for wage employment is properly matched with works as specified by the Act.  From this perspective, the Key Responsibility Areas (KRAs) for the

6.1  Labour Budgeting

Labour budgeting is the direct responsibility of the PO.  In developing the Labour budget, PO shall undertake a detailed review of potential labour demand by following the steps mentioned in  Annexure-I.

The Preparatory work for Labour Budgeting shall commence by October/November of every year.  A copy of the Proforma Labour Budget with a covering letter shall be sent to the PD with a copy to the MPDO and the Gram Panchayat.

6.2  Planning Process – Identification of Works at GP level to meet Labour demand

The PO shall be directly responsible for the identification of works, in consultation with the Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat.  While identifying the works, the PO shall review the existing shelf of works (GP – wise), in order to assess whether the available shelf of works is suitable to meet the labour demand.   A copy of the finalized List of Works is required to be completed by January every year and sent to the GP and to the MPDO.

6.3 Maintenance of Shelf of Works:

The Pos shall be directly responsible for the maintenance of the Shelf of Works after obtaining technical and administrative sanctions by MPDO. The PO shall ensure that, at any given point of time, there are atleast five works available in the shelf (for every village) ready to be commenced and grounded.

6.4  Commencement of Works:

 Prompt issue of Work Commencement Orders is the direct responsibility of the Pos.  The PO shall ensure that Work Commencement Orders are issued within One Week from the date of receipt of demand application from the GP.  Where ever there is demand for work from SC/ST Wageseekers or from assigned land owners, the PO shall commence such work on priority. The Pos shall also instruct the MCC Operators to put up copies of Work Commencement Orders generated by the system on a daily basis and take prompt action for grounding of works.

6.6      Grounding of Works
The Pos shall be directly responsible for grounding of works within four days of issue of Work Commencement Orders. While ensuring prompt grounding of works, the Pos shall take care to ensure that the Wageseekers are made aware of and informed about the opening of works.  The Pos shall continuously build the capacity of the Fas to achieve this.

6.6 Proper Maintenance of Muster Rolls at Worksite

The Program Officer shall be directly responsible for ensuring that the muster rolls are recorded, maintained, filed as per the  norms specified  in  the APREGS Operational Manual  2006  and  related Gos issued in this regard, from time to time.  The specific responsibilities of the Program Officer in this regard may be seen at Annexure I.

The Program Officer shall personally inspect and review at least 20 muster rolls, every month in the Mandal and append his signature on the checked muster rolls.  List of such muster rolls reviewed alongwith issues noted and action taken shall be discussed by the Program officer in the monthly meeting conducted by District Collector.

6.7 Proper Maintenance of Measurement  Sheets

The Program Officer shall be directly responsible for ensuring that Measurement Sheets are duly recorded and closed on a weekly basis and entries are made in the software within three days of closure of Measurement Sheets. The Program Officer shall inspect at least 10 measurement sheets to check proper record of details in the measurement book and assess, if there is a systematic and timely closure of the measurement book, including entry of data in the software.

6.8 Payment of Unemployment Allowance

The POs shall educate the Wageseekers and GPs to register demand for Payment of Unemployment Allowance.  The POs shall be solely responsible for due authorization and payment of Unemployment Allowance.  While authorizing the payment of Unemployment Allowance, the POs shall check whether wageseekers have been shown work, as required under the Act.  After verification of all the eligibility criteria, as specified in the Act and APREGS Operational Manual 2006, the PO shall authorize generation of Payment Orders for Unemployment Allowance.  The Payment Orders duly signed by the POs, shall be sent to MPDO for his signature and for issue of cheques. The POs shall monitor such payments to ensure that Unemployment Allowance is actually paid into the Wageseeker’s  Post office account within 15 days from the date of receipt of his application.

 6.9 Maintenance of Worksite Facilities:

Provision of Worksite facilities is a statutory obligation under the Act.  While the MPDO is charged with the responsibility for the provision of Worksite facilities, the PO shall review the same and assist the MPDO in ensuring that worksite facilities are provided by the GPs.   The PO shall also educate the wage seekers to demand worksite facilities from the GP.

6.10 Opening of Accounts

The POs shall be directly responsible for opening of accounts in the Post offices or Banks on               behalf of the Wageseeker.  The POs shall ensure that Accounts are opened within Four days of the Wageseeker reporting to work, in case the Wageseeker does not have an EGS account.   The POs shall actively liaise on with the Post offices and Banks to ensure the same.

6.11 Ensuring 100 days work entitlement

The functions prescribed by the Act for the PO are intended to enable the PO to ensure provision of 100days work entitlement to the Wageseeker.  Providing 100 days work entitlement is a key outcome for the PO. In order to achieve this objective, the PO is required to constantly review the employment provided to every household and pay specific attention to those villages/households where the work provided is far less than 100 days.   The  POs  shall  review  reasons for such  low  achievement  and propose corrective measures to the MPDO and PD.   The PO shall also be required to launch special drives in each village to achieve 100 days work for every households registered for work. The POs shall specifically sensitize and train the FAs to this entitlement and to undertake regular assessment for  fulfillment of 100 days entitlement for every household

6.12.Labour Welfare

The PO is expected to play the central role in providing compensation and other welfare facilities as detailed in the Act.   The POs shall take prompt action to pay the required compensation to the Wage seeker as per the Act, GOs and Circulars issued from time to time in respect of injuries, medical expenses, death and disabilities arising out of and in the course of employment of the Wageseeker. The POs shall also expected to take proactive measures to ensure prompt metical facilities, if required.   The POs shall authorize all the expenses in this regard and after due record in the software; send the payment order for signature of the MPDO and issue of cheques.

POs shall monitor all such payments and ensure that the due compensation promptly reaches the Wageseeker and /or heirs.

6.13 Ensure that there is due Registration of Application for Work by the Wageseeker.

One of the critical functions of the PO is to ensure that applications demanding work are written down at the GP and due receipts recording the receipt of such applications are issued   by the GP.  The PO shall ensure that awareness is built amongst the Wageseekers regarding  the need for demanding for Work through the process of Application.  The PO shall also build awareness among the Wage seekers to demand receipts from the Village Secretary or FA.

6.14Weekly Payments:

Weekly payments are an Entitlement of the Wageseeker under the Act. Ensuring the Weekly Payments is one of the core functions of the PO.  In order to achieve this objective, the PO is required to review the Delayed Payment Reports on a fortnightly basis.    The PO shall review the reasons for such delay with the FAs / TAs / MCC operators and assist the MPDO in smoothening operational issues, so that the weekly payment process is stabilized.

6.15 Cutting CDs and  Timely Updation of Mandal Level APREGS Software data to the Website
Timely and accurate Updation of Mandal Level Software data is the direct responsibility of the PO. The PO shall verify the previous period up-to-which data was uploaded and also verify the content of the previous upload before uploading the currant data.

6.16.Organising of Labour Groups and Federating the same

The POs shall have the direct responsibility of organizing the wage seekers into Labour Groups.    The POs shall form affinity-based Labour Groups.   Empowering and educating the Labour Groups to understand and assert their rights under APREGS will be a key performance measure for the PO.

6.17 Capacity Building

The PO shall be responsible for building capacity of TAs, and Mandal Computer Operators.  They shall identify training needs and undertake periodical training of the TAs & MCC Operators, with the help of various resource persons.The POs shall also undertake direct responsibility for Building capacity of FAs for effective performance of their functions as indicated in Annexure I.

6.18 Mentoring  & Monitoring of  Mandal Computer Operators(MCOs)

The POs shall act as a Mentor for the MCOs.   The POs shall periodically review the working conditions and infrastructure support given to the MCOs and take up issues that block the efficiency of the MCOs with the MPDOs and PDs in the monthly review meeting.

6.19 Updation of Job Cards:

The Updation of Job Cards is the direct responsibility of MPDO.      However, the PO shall oversee the Updation and educate the FAs accordingly.                                                                
6.20.Meetings & Visits

  • The PO shall undertake at least 10 meetings with EGS labour in 10 villages in every month.
  • PO shall organize meetings with at least 5 Village organizations in 5 Villages every month
  • He/She shall attend Mandal Samakhya’s meetings every month to discuss on APREGS
  • They should stay at least 5 night halts in the Villages in every month.

6.21.  Inspection of Works:

a. Inspect personally at least 20 works at each Mandal on a monthly basis and give report on
    compliance with the scheme processes.
b. Various villages to be covered and different categories of works to be covered by rotation.

6.22. Social Audit:

POs are responsible to carryout social audits with the support of village organizations periodically. PO shall build the capacities of VOs in carrying out the social audits and provide necessary administrative support from the project. He/She will submit a report to MPDO on the findings of Social Audit for necessary action by MPDO.


7.1   The POs and MPDOs shall educate themselves and be fully aware of the provisions of the Act and their specific roles and responsibilities in the Act, APREGS Operational  Manual 2006 and related GOs issued time to time.  The POs and MPDOs are expected to fulfill their roles and responsibilities keeping in view of the objectives of the Act.                    

7.2  The MPDO and POs shall work together to ensure that the objectives of the Act are fully realized through their cooperative efforts.

7.3 The MCC operators and other EGS personnel at Mandal level shall be available to both the MPDOs and POs for delivering their respective responsibilities as discussed under various functions.

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