CCE useful Hand books for teachers
On the basis of guiding principles of NCF 2005, RTE 2009 and SCF 2011, the new textbooks are designed. The new textbooks have been developed on linking the classroom experience with the real life experience which the pupil faced outside the classroom. With the specific features or indicators the holistic treatment of language certain discourses are identified for Primary and Upper Primary level classes. The entire classroom process is aimed at achieving the targeted discourses. A detailed transactional process has been suggested to achieve the discourses targeted in each class.
The modules which is provided to teachers, contains the classroom transactional process for all classes. The identified discourses in each reading slot/segment, a detailed discourse process for oral and written discourses, classroom theatre, teacher development and CCE based model question papers. A special package to bridging the gap is also included for acquiring the minimum competencies among the children in developing discourses like description, conversation and narrative or story before starting the transaction of units.
This provided module would certainly help the teachers to follow the transactional process in achieving the academic standards in all classes among all children. The SCERT AP Hyderabad appreciates the efforts of the members of the textbook development committee in developing this handbook for the benefit of the teachers.
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